Heritage Family Services Ltd. is a private company providing children and family services in foster care, residential care, counselling and supported independent living. Located in Red Deer, it is currently providing care to over 100 children on a daily basis.
Improve knowledge and skills for junior employees through mentorship activities, which are not addressed in formal training.
Build collaborative and inclusive environments and reinforce a shared sense of purpose within Heritage Family Services.
Mentor-Protégé Introduction and Launch Event
Implement an initial meeting and then 4-8 monthly or semi-monthly meetings between mentors and proteges. Knowledge sharing activities will be documented.
Time frame: The mentorship project will be implemented in four months, from mid-June to mid-October, 2016.
Heritage Members: Manager HR/Staff Development Quality Improvement Manager Residential Services 8-10 employees participating in the first year of the project (intended to scale up in the following year)
Academic Partner: Stephanie Kowal Stephanie Kowal is a research associate in the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta. She specializes in participatory and engaged research. Stephanie currently works with patients with chronic disabling diseases and their family members to build communication recommendations for clinicians to discuss treatment options and clinical trial risks/benefits. She is also part of the City of Edmonton's public engagement initiative, working towards transforming the way the City engages with citizens and uses citizen voices in decision-making.